Monday, April 21, 2008

What Guys do When They Likes a Girl.

I think most guys out there all feel in love before at least once, or countless of times. They said girls are emotional, well guys are the same too. Agree? So this is the few things we do when we like a girl.

1. Always think of her and think more of her.
We will always be thinking of the girl we like ler, when we sleep, eat, drink, when playing DoTA etc. etc. "Makan Fikir Dia, Minum Fikir Dia, Semua Pun Fikir Dia"

2. Always try to ask her out.
This is when the guy keep asking the girl to go out for a movie, to go shopping or yum cha(not really) or even just to accompany us to buy a teh tarik in a mamak.

3. Worried about everything related to her.
"She got boyfriend?" "What she think of me?" "Am I annoying?" "Oh my god, she like xxx!" "She's a lesbian! wtf." Guys eventually ask her friends all these questions and asked them to keep quiet about it.

4. Shower her with gifts, flowers etc.
Guys are generous-lah, we give presents and gifts to the girl we like. If the girl would just say something like "Wah! that doll so cute-lah!", the guy will absof*ckinglutely buy for her instantly, or secretly buy and give her.

5. Become jealous at times.
When we see the girl being close with her bunch of guy friends, we become jealous.

6. Keep call, sms, msn, icq, skype or what-so-ever IM with her.
We will text her whenever-however-whatever possible. The only way to stop us is to break our handphones and computers.

7. Become EMO
Become very emo when the girl ignores us, said something that hurt us etc. Or we even emo for thinking too much nonsense or for no reason at all.

8. Became annoying until confession.
Because we care for the girl so much, we become annoying, over-protective and we bother them too much.

I think there's lots more things guys do when we really like a girl(not for the sake of companionship, cause she's pretty, cause she's rich, cause "kau lui" is your hobby or you friend dare you to "kau" her) but the girl as you see her as. You know, loving someone is seeing perfection in imperfection.
Girls, don't just avoid the guys when they start to annoy you, just tell them off if you really don't like them.
Now now, who say guys are not emo enough?

Just my 2 cents =)


eStee said...

ur a sensitive new age guy :)

Darrius said...

I'll take that as a compliment, thx =)

xXxKiraraxXx said...

lol dis is interesting...