Sunday, April 20, 2008


Jealousy, an unavoidable feeling which comes naturally that everyone has in them, and it just seems how we overcome or express it really. I dare to say that no one in this world has never get jealous, so, what are the few ways people normally do to overcome or express their jealous-ness?

Let's see. firstly, the "AMUK" state to express it. This is when you go all nuts and starts cursing, yelling and even throws stuffs around. In other words, you release jealousy with anger. Releasing jealousy through anger is definitely a no-no(from past experience) as it just ruins and messes things up even more.

Anger is bad, learn abit-lah you bulat-ed shape punya-benda

Secondly, teasing the person your jealous of. Teasing or saying something sarcastic to them, to show or hint them your jealous is also a way, but it does pisses people off sometimes. That's a saying we always hear when we're kids which goes like this "Boys always teases the girl they like". You know why? Coz we're jealous-lah.

Thirdly, the "EMO" state. This is when you go all emo and being more emo, you stay at home, in a corner, whining/crying/yadayadayada... or you asked a few friends out and keep whining "Why like this, why like that, why here why there ~". Talking about emo, i once encounter an American which he was so damn pissed off when I called him emo! Then, I asked him why:

Me: Why are you so pissed? Is just a word emo.
American pissed-off guy: Emo? it is not just a word you simply use.
Me: HaRR? Why?
American pissed-off guy: Cause it means you are being very emotional and want to suicide or to cut your wrist.
Me: WTF? Actually, in Malaysia, we accustomed it as an adjective already, we used it so frequently we even forgotten its true meaning. American pissed-off guy: oh~

So right, don't luan luan use the word EMO on some ang moh ok? Haha. (no offense to all the ang moh out there k?)

Even Hello Kitty sometimes will get emo, and wants to cut herself =(

Lastly, a new way to express jealousy, write all your jealous-ness on a paper and eat it! Or you can just write out how you feel on a blog like what I'm doing now, simple and cause no one any harm. =)

A slight jealousy is good as it shows that your concerned, but just don't go overboard and don't pile up all those jealousy into some what-so-ever volcano which will burst someday.

PS: Sorry ~ Gomenasai!

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