Saturday, March 22, 2008

Asian Cultural Nite Fui Yoh! Experience!

Asian Cultural Society, Cultural Nite 08 was held yesterday, and Fuii Yoh!!! it certainly turned out to be something unexpected. Imagine that ACS turned a Cultural Nite into a Fui Yoh! event where it has an atmosphere of clubbing! I do mean clubbing yo!

The ticket to the Clubbing Nite, Err...Cultural Nite.

The beautifully decorated stage.

The "Urumi" group, for those who didn't know what is Urumi, it is a classical drums. (I think :x)

MC Bani, the best MC in FAM in Kadazan costume!!

Leng Lui MC Kae Cian in Kadazan costume too!

Clubbing in FAM :D

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