Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Youth 08 has arrived!!

Youth 08 has finally arrived after a long long wait since September 2007, but it didn't turn out what I expected it to be, there was too many MCA based booths and talks going on(with only after or middle age uncles and aunties went) and many booths just for displaying their "goods".

Gaming Highway have only 3 games going on which is HellsGate, JinOnline and KungFuOnline with a sole purpose of promoting the game, making the so called "Gaming HighWay" into a "Promotional HighWay" but its ok-lah. Other activities like "Battle of the Bands", "Extreme Dancing", "Celebrity Secrets" and etc. were very very nice but the most memorable one was the "Birthday Bash" and "Blogger's Party!"(for the reason we get booze in PWTC =.=" ). Youth 08 was tiring to me but in the end it was satisfactory, seeing the success of it =). For those who miss out Youth 08, make sure to join Youth09 which will be better definitely.

PS: There's much more going on there, especially bad things too, but its best not to write it out loud here XD.

Douglas Lim

Hannah Tan with her escorts XD

Hannah Tan



Popular bloggers and Joel Neoh

Rachel Tan

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